Mindfulness and Meditation for Managing MS Symptoms and Improving Well-being

November 22, 2023

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that many individuals with MS lead fulfilling lives. There are many things that can be done actively by someone living with the illness and meditation is one of them.

When I started to meditate, it was because I learned about the OMS program and part of it was a daily meditation. So I thought I can meditate my MS away (wishful thinking and also very naive). It was a long and somewhat difficult, frustrating journey. It sometimes still is and I think it will always be.

Today, I realize that meditation has so much more to offer than I can understand today and only time and the act of meditation will give me more insights. While sadly, it is no cure for MS, there are many things that meditation can help a person who has been diagnosed with MS:

  1. Stress Reduction: MS is a chronic condition that can be physically and emotionally taxing. Mindfulness and meditation techniques can reduce stress and anxiety, which are common for people with MS. Stress reduction can help prevent flare ups of symptoms and improve overall well-being.
  2. Pain Management: Meditation and mindfulness practices can alter the perception of pain and improve pain tolerance. Chronic pain is a common symptom of MS, and these techniques may help people to better cope with and manage their pain.
  3. Enhanced Emotional Well-being: MS can lead to mood swings, depression, and feelings of isolation. Mindfulness and meditation can improve emotional regulation, boost mood, and increase feelings of social connectedness, leading to better emotional well-being.
  4. Improved Sleep: Many people with MS experience sleep disturbances. Meditation and relaxation techniques can help improve sleep quality by calming the mind and reducing restlessness, leading to more restorative sleep.
  5. Better Cognitive Function: MS can impact cognitive function, including memory and attention. Mindfulness and meditation may enhance cognitive abilities by promoting mental clarity, focus, and concentration.
  6. Increased Physical Function: Some MS symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle stiffness, can limit physical activity. Mindfulness and meditation can improve energy levels and reduce muscle tension, making it easier for individuals with MS to engage in physical activities and maintain mobility.
  7. Coping with Uncertainty: MS is an unpredictable disease with varying symptoms and progression. Mindfulness and meditation can help individuals develop resilience and better cope with the uncertainty and challenges that come with the condition.
  8. Enhanced Self-awareness: Mindfulness encourages self-reflection and self-awareness, allowing individuals to better understand their bodies and their MS symptoms. This awareness can lead to more effective symptom management and self-care.
  9. Improved Quality of Life: By reducing stress, enhancing emotional well-being, and promoting a sense of control, mindfulness and meditation can contribute to an improved overall quality of life for someone living with MS.

As mentioned, meditation is not a cure for MS but it can help someone who has been diagnosed to manage their symptoms and get many benefits from meditation. This is not only for MS symptoms but for overall health and happiness. Maybe you will try it out and leave a comment in the notes what you get out of meditation and how it has helped you.

Ingrid Adelsberger